Sunday, August 26, 2007

Post Created!

Here I go! This was easy to set up...we'll see how the rest of it goes.
Tomorrow I start with my student teaching. She wants me to make a bulletin board. I'll let you know how it goes. Maybe I can post a picture of it. Good luck to all starting their student teachings!!


Unknown said...

Hey Diane, excellent start! I think a picture would be great.

Diane said...

I know. I need to find a good one. I want to add a picture of me and of the bulletin board this week. Check your emails! I have been worried about your family! So good to hear from you.

Dr. Ink said...

Diane, This is where you want to use the internet. There should be tons of sample bulletin boards if you just look. You can buy books at the teacher's store, but I think they are a waste of money! Use creativity for borders, one teacher I knew went to MacDonalds and got a ton of french fry bags and used them for the borders!

Lisa Kretzschmar said...

Hi Diane!
How is everything going with your school? I am sorry that I took so long for me to get up and running!
Good luck!

Diane said...

Dr. Ink, Funny you say that because I did get my bulletin board idea from the internet and then I tweeked it a little. I will post a picture and description on Friday. Take care!