Sunday, September 30, 2007

God in School

I am at a public school as we all are. This week I am starting reading groups. One of the books I am doing is The Courage of Sarah Noble. As I read it I found that one of the chapters Sarah pulls out her Bible and tries to decide what "story" to read. Should it be about Sarah and Isaac, etc. She then finds herself reading to a group of Indian children. I got a real kick that the book I chose mentioned the Bible. I had been praying and praying to God for help in this placement. And here He put a book for Him right in my hands and I didn't even realize it until I started reading it! Wild, huh?
BTW, it is a good book level 3.9.
AND... One of the girls has been keeping me informed about her baptism and such. I think it is so cool that she feels she can share that with me. Always little things to remind us that God is always with us.


Dr. Ink said...

Don't you love how God works?? Isn't He awsome? I think He literally dropped that book in your lap!

Diane said...

Yes, I thought the same. We did character sheets yesterday and one of the girls said we should put "the Lord" in too because he was important to Sarah and one boy said we should have Sarah and Isaac, too. Sara, the main character, was reading in the Bible. It cracked me up! I was so tickled. I told them to add them if they felt it was important and that it was improtant to Sarah(main character). They did.

Unknown said...

Awe-some. That is really cool Diane. It's good to know you are still out there and you keep working away. I'm sure it is encouraging in the midst of everything to have this book appear and provide an avenue where faith in God can be discussed.

Diane said...

Yes, Mario! It is just what I needed. It also helps to know that my friends are there, too! You guys have really been such a support for me. Even when my communication wasn't there, I knew you guys were thinking and praying for me. God has truly given me some wonderful friends! I will miss you when you leave but we are just an email away, right?

Lisa Kretzschmar said...

God puts you where you should be, it may be hard at times but there is a reason for it!